Serviam/Character Development/Enrichment

Our Serviam Passport is a digital record of every student’s engagement with the ethos of the school. Students record activities that demonstrate our core value of Serviam: developing our gifts and talents for the good of others and our other key virtues via our Microsoft Teams learning platform.

As well as recording the activity, students reflect on how this activity has helped them to understand, develop or deepen the particular virtue they are focusing on. By reflecting on how students are developing their virtues, students are contributing to their own character development and recognising the true happiness (eudaimonia) that comes from being of service to others.

All students are expected to record a minimum of two Serviam Passport entries per half term and this data is analysed by form tutors, Heads of Year and the Assistant Headteacher for Catholic Ethos to ensure all students participate in the wider life of the school to develop their gifts and talents as well contribute to the Common Good.

Students’ contribution to the ethos of the school and development of serviam is recognised and celebrated regularly in school:


Our Enrichment Programme

Joining in the enrichment activities is part of the ethos of the Ursuline. The more your daughter participates and gives of herself, the happier and more successful she will be at school. Whatever your daughter’s interests, she will find the opportunity to develop her talents and confidence through our Ursuline Enrichment programme.

Additionally, being involved in these activities will contribute to the schools’ house system and earn points towards the house cup. We believe that residential trips truly add to a students life. Our expectation is that all student’s will take part in an activity outside of the classroom. These experiences will enrich their lives, improve their skills and help them to enjoy school life to the full.

We publish our annual programme on our website and update this termly. Some of the enrichment activities at KS3 and KS4 typically include:

Computing Club, Sycamore Club, Choir, Science Club, Drama Club, Public Speakers Club, School Council, Athletics Club, Eco Committee, Student Leadership, MFL Cooking Club, Cricket Club, Skateboarding Club, Dance Bites Club, Bible Club and a range of book clubs!

Summer Term Enrichment

Our enrichment curriculum for the current term will run as follows;

Most clubs will run from w/b 15th April.

Please see individual departments for start dates as these may differ.

Please access our termly enrichment programme by clicking on the information below!




KS3 Summer Term Enrichment 2024_
KS4 Summer Term Enrichment 2024