PSHEC aims to prepare our students to be informed and engaged citizens, who can make physically and mentally healthy choices and safe choices to thrive in our ever-changing global community, with new and unpredictable opportunities and challenges constantly emerging. 

Our multicultural, capital city setting means a substantial proportion of our students are from Europe, making British Values integral to our respectful community.

We believe in developing the whole person, with students encouraged to use their gifts and talents to serve others (Serviam) in fighting for social justice and human dignity. We aim to empower our students to understand potential risks around them and to safeguard themselves and each other. 

PSHEC is the vehicle to engage our students in our contextual safeguarding priorities (knife crime, domestic violence and social gatherings), as well as KCSIE 2020 and the new guidance form the Relationship and Sex education 


For any further enquires please contact

Assistant Headteacher Inclusion/Lead DSL/Mental Health

Ms Rachael Gilmore

0203 908 3168

Safeguarding Officer

Ms Kerry Connor                                        

0203 908 3158

Deputy Safeguarding Wellbeing Lead & Business Support

Ms Sarah McCourt

0203 908 3197

Safeguarding Officer

Ms Danielle Boateng 

0203 908 3104


Out of Term Contact

07415 005402

KS3 Overview and SOL 23-24
KS3 Overview and SOL 23 24
KS3 Sexual Harassment
KS4 Sexual Harassment