Academic Progress
We want all our students to work to their personal limits and reach their highest potential so they can do themselves justice.
At the beginning of an Sixth Form course, students are given target grades based on their average GCSE Point Score. For A Level students this will be grades A - D and for BTEC students will be given Distinction*, Distinction, Merit & Pass.
- Students should strive to attain grades in excess of their target grades.
- Students and Form tutors are given grades and these are sent home to parents every half term.
- Students should be aware that progression to the second year is contingent upon a satisfactory performance in the first year of the course.
- Students grades will be placed on an assessment database and reviewed on a regular basis with staff at any point throughout the year.
- Parents are given many opportunities to discuss their daughter's grades with her teachers, Form tutor, Head of Year and SLT staff responsible for KS5.
- Several grades are entered every half term on our electronic mark book and can be accessed via eportal - a username and password will be provided to parents to enable them to view progress.
Academic Tutoring
Overall Aim
- To improve attainment
- To encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and intellectual development
- To help raise the level of performance of all students and achieve a high standard of excellence
- To consolidate and formalise activities already taking place
This is achieved through:
- Student discussion with subject teachers
- Academic Review days
- Target setting, action planning and review by students
- Case meetings by staff
- Parental contact by Head of Year
- A mindset programme delivered by Sixth Form Tutors to develop resilience and a positive attitude to learning.
Setting Targets
Two sets of targets are set with every assessed piece of work, students will be given clear targets and guidance on how to improve the quality of their work.
All Targets need to be:
- Individual to the student (although certain themes may be common to more than one student).
- S.M.A.R.T.
- Specific - What exactly does the student have to achieve?
- Measurable - How to know if the student has achieved it?
- Achievable - Is it a realistic target for the student to achieve?
- Relevant - Is it an important thing for the student to do at the moment?
- Time - related - When does the student have to achieve this by?
Parental Consultation
Written reports are sent home periodically. Parents/carers are also invited to attend:
- Induction Evening (Year 12)
- Review Days (Year 12 and Year 13)
- Parents' Evening (Year 12 and Year 13)
Each event provides the opportunity to meet and discuss with staff about their daughter's work and progress with Sixth Form Courses.
Students are set a minimum of 5 hours homework per subject per week. Subject teachers record a progress grade online each two weeks, which parents can access online. Between homework, independent learning and wider reading, students are expected to work between 20 and 30 hours a week outside lesson time if they want to achieve their full potential in the Sixth Form.