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A new Sixth Form Centre (Ursuline Sixth Form Centre) was opened in May 2010. This purpose built centre provides Year 12 with an area for private study with wireless internet connection. The centre is also the venue for Sixth Form assemblies and a programme of talks and lectures by visiting speakers.
The Year 13 Sixth Form Study Centre is in the main school building. It has private study areas with wireless internet connection and a café which is open daily during break and lunch.
There is a dedicated Learning Resource Centre (LRC) designed to further support students’ independent study. The LRC has wireless internet, printer access and over 12,000 reference and fiction books. In addition the LRC provides students with access to many periodicals and journals linked to their studies which can be accessed through the online network.
The LRC is open every day after school and is open to all students who want to find a quiet place to read or do their homework in a silent environment before making their way home.
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is open from:
8.00am until 4.00pm from Monday to Friday.
New Library system:
All Sixth Form students are invited to the laptop scheme on enrolling into Sixth Form and can access WiFi in all study areas. In addition, personal laptops can be configured to make them compatible with the school system.
Ms Gemma Toop
0203 908 3174