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Each November, students in Year 12 elect a Head Girl and two Deputy Head Girls. They are appointed following a lively election process, including a hustings and interview with the Headteacher. They play an essential role in representing the Sixth Form and lead a team of Senior Prefects who are responsible for subjects, year groups, community welfare, chaplaincy and SEN. All prefects receive excellent leadership training led by a skilled professional.
Sixth Formers also have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills in hosting a variety of events such as International Women's Day and The Covent Garden Challenge.
Sixth Form students take on leadership responsibilities through mentoring, chaplaincy work and student buddy systems. A Head Girl and two Deputy Head Girls lead a team of senior prefects who are elected in Year 12.Leadership responsibilities include subject prefects and prefects for the community.
Students’ leadership skills expand beyond the school. Sixth Form students have both attended and helped to run conferences such as:
There any many other conferences and events that allow students to work with successful business women. These opportunities allow students to develop and discuss topical issues that face young women today. Students are at the heart of the school and are frequently involved in fundraising for charity and supporting events beyond the school.
Students in the Sixth Form team also have the opportunity to work with other students in the school through the student council. Students are able to raise any issue or concern they have with senior members of staff to bring about change.
The Student Council is made up of a body of students representative of each tutor group in the sixth form. The Council meet with the Head of Sixth Form every half term to discuss important issues relating to life in the Sixth Form.
The students recommend items for discussion and ideas for improvement. Activities which the council have been involved in include a debating competition, organising the Christmas fair and fundraising. The Sixth Form Student Council have the opportunity to give invaluable insight into the effective running of the Sixth Form.