Sixth Form Highlights

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New Sixth Form Common Room

Year 12 students are absolutely loving our brand new sixth form common room! Equipped with a sleek new TV and comfy furniture, this space is perfect for relaxing and socializing. Read More

Well done to Giulia

Well done to Giulia (Year 12) for winning an award for best sixth-form reporter in the Guardian Young Reporter journalism scheme! Read More

Huge congratulations to our T Level student

Huge congratulations to our T Level student, Kyra, on securing a place at Harvard Summer School in Boston to study forensics for a week this summer! This is a wonderful achievement and opportunity. Kyra, you should be incredibly proud of yourself. We, as a sixth form, are bursting with pride! Read More

Crochet Club

Ms. Kosmider has been weaving magic with her crochet enrichment for our talented Year 12 students! Read More

T Level Digital Coding

Our incredible T Level Digital student is taking the lead in promoting February courses for a local gem in Wimbledon – none other than the fantastic Logiscool, an international coding school! Read More

Level 2 Sixth Form Results

Well done to all our students who received English and Maths results 11th January. Hard work does pay off! They’re the embodiment of resilience. Read More

Politics Conference

We had a wonderful sixth form conference on 8th November about ‘How to Bring About Political Change’. Our speakers all did an amazing job of giving sixth formers some valuable food for thought on this topic. Read More

BIMA Digital Day

Our Year 12 Digital T-Level students competed in the BIMA Digital Day 2023 on 8th November. BIMA is a sponsored, nationwide digital challenge, this year in partnership with Vue cinema, and was run by Phoebe Lewis and Louisa Graham-Taylor, from the global design and product studio, Athlon. Read More

Centre of Excellence!

Ursuline is delighted to announce that the DFE has awarded the school 650k to refurbish 5 classrooms to deliver Business and Nursing T levels in September 2022. Read More

Digital Experience!

Our T Level Digital students had a great start to their placements at Nutri Troops in July! Nutri Troops is a great company who teach children how to live a healthy lifestyle through fun and interactive games! Read More

Outstanding Achievements!

Ursuline High School is pleased to report the outstanding achievements by its students in their A levels and Vocational qualifications this summer. Read More

Model United Nations!

"I've enjoyed the learning about the structure of the UN and about life at LSE everyone is so engaging and friendly thats what kept the atmosphere especially it being online so alive." Read More

Oxbridge Alumni Evening!

On Tuesday 16th March, we held our Oxbridge Alumni Evening with the aim to encourage our Year 12s on the Oxbridge Programme to see Oxbridge as a real possibility for them and to understand more about it. Parents were also encouraged to attend to they could be advised as to how best support their preferred path! Read More

Intersectional Feminism!

On March 9th 2021, UHS Wimbledon hosted a Sixth Form conference on intersectional feminism, titled ‘Phenomenal Women’, in honour of International Women’s Day. The aims of the conference were to explore intersectional feminism and to gain a deeper understanding of how our own and other people’s experience of our sex is impacted by other aspects of our identity. Read More

Time to Take a T Level

A new qualification (equivalent to 3 A Levels), backed by business, with a work based placement which will better prepare you for the future you want? Read More

T Level Information Evening

On Tuesday 2nd March we hosted our *T-Level Online Information Evening* on Microsoft Teams. The event was designed to further inform parents and students on the benefits of studying a T-Level at Ursuline Sixth Form. Read More

Joint Virtual Sixth Form Open Evening

We are pleased to invite you to our joint Sixth Form Virtual Open Evening with Wimbledon College[]on[][]Thursday 8th October.[]* SIGN UP HERE[][]*Our Open Evening will allow you to explore the range of courses available at our sixth form and ask questions of our sixth form specialists. Read More

Sixth Form Virtual Open Event

Following the success of our main school Open Evening earlier this month, we are excited to invite you to our* 'student lead' Sixth Form Open Evening* on *Thursday 1st October 2020*. This event will precede our joint Sixth Form Open Evening with Wimbledon College on Thursday 8th October. Read More

Oxbridge Success!

This year the Oxbridge Programme saw 13 UHS students apply for Oxbridge and we were delighted that four students have been made offers by Cambridge! The students are going to study English, History of Art and two are studying Natural Sciences (including one student who got straight A*s in the Summer, took a gap year and made an application). Read More

Apps For Change at IBM

“It was great to have the opportunity to find out more about how technology can help and influence the environment and the challenge of climate change..” Student Read More

Legal London!

Year 13 students enjoyed their Legal London parliament tour today, very fitting just ahead of the General Election! Read More

Covent Garden Challenge

On Friday 15th November we hosted 6 Merton primary schools for our annual Covent Garden Challenge (Sacred Heart, St John Fisher, St Mary’s, SS Peter and Paul, St Teresa’s and St Thomas’). Year 12 students tested their leadership skills by taking on the role of co-ordinating small groups of Year 5 students in order to come up with a innovate new product for the Covent Garden Apple Market in a fantastic opportunity designed for younger children to work on their enterprise, creativity and problem solving skills. Read More

Unlocking Property Challenge

This half term Year 12 students had the opportunity to visit the Berkeley Homes at Wimbledon Hill Park to see a property development project first hand. This followed on from a careers talk they received from Berkeley last half term on how to establish a career in the field of property development. Read More

Helping Britain Prosper..

Year 12 students had a fabulous opportunity to join the Women of the Future Ambassadors event at Lloyds Banking Group offices on Thursday 14th November. They were inspired on the theme of Helping Britain Prosper and heard from Jules Chappell[] previously a UK Diplomat and now MD of London & Partners. Read More

The Rise of Populism..

On Monday 11 November we hosted a conference on "The Rise of Populism in a Globalised World" for 125 sixth-formers from the Ursuline, Wimbledon College, Mulberry School, St Philomena's and Raynes Park High School. Read More

La casa de los espiritus

On Wednesday 6th November, Year 12 and 13 A-Level Spanish students went to Cervantes theatre to watch La casa de los espiritus (The House of the Spirits), which is one of the AQA texts for Paper 2. Firstly, we walked to Wimbledon station to take the train to Waterloo. The play began at 2:30 and our first impression was that the room was very small. We were all very excited! We enjoyed the actors performances and the effects were very good. We sat very close to the actors and because of this we felt involved in the intensity of the play. It was a very dramatic play on a very serious topic: politics, supernatural, domestic violence, sexual abuse etc. The sadness and trauma experienced by Alba really got to us through her expressions. During the performance we tried to recognise who the characters were in the play by using the programme and our notes. Overall everyone liked the play and we would highly recommend it even if you do not speak Spanish. Read More

Avila Student Retreat

The Avila retreat for Year 12 students from both St Philomena’s and Ursuline High School was held on Monday 15th October. Students from year 12 service programmes across both schools attended. All students took part in morning sessions outlining what Catholic Social Teaching is and why its relevant to our lives. The afternoon took more of a reflective theme concentrating on different prayer techniques from adoration, mediation and creative prayer. Read More

Sixth Form Open Evening 2019

Many thanks to all parents, carers and students who attended our Sixth Form Open Evening 2019. The turn out was fantastic, we hope you all enjoyed finding out more about the Ursuline High School and Wimbledon College Sixth Form and the vast array of opportunities it has to offer. Read More

ASGS Conference

"I liked Jenny Langley's talk on perfectionism and her understanding of what motivates students academically and how to have a growth mindset". Emily, Year 12 Read More

UHS Oxford Sucess!

Vanesa joined us here at Ursuline High School Sixth Form in September 2016 from Raynes Park (which she joined when she was in Year 9). She studied German, English Lit and History at A level. Read More

Year 13 Celebrations Evening

We were delighted to welcome Priscilla Li Head of Applied Digital Innovation at Capgemini to speak to the current Year 13 at their celebration evening for all they achieved last year in Year 12. She is an Innovative Leader who reframes the problem and how to approach it. She inspires curiosity and initiative and is passionate about harnessing creativity in the technology world. Read More

'No-Deal' Brexit Is A 'No-Go'!

Year 12 Business and Economics students had a insightful visit from Stephen Hammond (Conservative MP for Wimbledon, Raynes Park, Morden and Motspur Park) this morning. Read More

University Applications After Exam Results?

We were delighted to welcome the Shadow Secretary of State for Education, Angela Rayner and Jackie Schneider, Labour Candidate for Wimbledon, alongside film crews from BBC, Sky and Channel 4 into our school yesterday. In light of A Level Results Day and students nervously awaiting confirmation of University places, students from Year 11 and 12 were interviewed regarding their opinion on Labour's proposed policy of applying to university after you have received your exam results. Read More

Year 10 Taster Day

“It is important for students to be given the opportunity to sample lessons in Year 10, so they can be confident that they make the right subject choices in Sixth Form, which will in turn, support their career pathways.” Ben Barton, Assistant Headteacher Read More

"Make The Coffee And Learn.."

It was a pleasure to hear from Denise Parkinson, Chief Global Entertainment Officer at *The Telegraph*, who kindly hosted a Creative Industry Insight Talk on 'Starting out in the Media and Creative Industry' during Year 12's extended assembly on Tuesday 12th June. Read More

Volunteering Is Priceless

Ursuline Links is a volunteer programme which is run by the Ursuline Sisters. Its main aim is to give students and adults opportunities to be of service in the UK and abroad. Read More

Career Advice!

Year 12 students were given an opportunity to really think about their next steps during *Career Pathway Day* on Tuesday 21st May. Read More

Oxbridge Options!

"I found it very useful.. as it helped me realise that Oxford is a university that I can see myself at." Year 12 Student Read More

Eucharistic Ministers!

On Wednesday 13th February, Ursuline High School and Wimbledon College celebrated the commissioning of Year 12 students (and several UHS staff) as Eucharistic Ministers. The service was held by Bishop Paul Hendricks at Sacred Heart Church (Edge Hill). Read More

St Angela Feast Day Celebrations

We had a fantastic 2019 St Angela celebration on the theme of building community. Within our Masses we reflected on how we serve others in our community to live out Serviam and learnt about the global Ursuline community we are part of. This will link to our Lent them where we will be supporting the Ursuline school in the Congo. At each of the Masses, the students were presented with a wristband that said be ‘strong and courageous’ as a special gift for the Feast Day. We would like to say a special thank you to Father Michael, Father Hycathn, Cannon John and Father Joe for celebration these Masses for Us. Read More

Head Girl Team 2019

Congratulations to our new Head Girl Team; Lillie, Alice & Renoshni! We are sure you will all do a fantastic job in your new leadership roles! Read More

A Good Time To Be A Girl?

"Take it one step at a time, build confidence, find a work culture that suits you, get some allies, ASK for an opportunity- don't expect people will just see that you want that pay rise, promotion or new opportunity- it's not pushy- don't be afraid!" Dame Helena Morrisey Read More

Stepping into STEM!

According to World Economic Forum (as of Feb 2018) In countries with higher gender equality, women are (still) less likely to get STEM degrees. It says.. Read More

Christmas Carol Service

It was lovely to come together with *Wimbledon College* for our annual *Christmas Carol Service* last night at* Sacred Heart Church*. Choirs from both schools gave amazing performances and the classics such as ‘Silent Night’ and ‘O’ Little Town of Bethlehem’ were sung with much enthusiasm and greatly enjoyed by all those in attendance. Thank you to all staff, students and parents for taking the time to celebrate the season of Advent together and anticipate the joy of Christmas. Read More

Sweet Treats ForJimmy

Sixth formers putting those Serviam values into practice with a cake and sweet stall to raise funds for the charity ForJimmy. Fantastic work! Read More

Careers in Law!

Insightful *Career Talk* this week on the 'Legal Sector' by Hannah Blake (Solicitor from Fishfield LLP)! Hannah focused on the different career paths in Law alongside her personal journey and hints and tips of how to progress and be successful in a Legal career! Read More

Computer Science in Action

Year 12 Computer Science students attended an inspirational day of KS5 computer science at the TTP's (The Training Partnership) *Computer Science in Action* event this month. Read More

WoF Ambassadors Reception

We were very pleased to have been invited to take 5 of our Year 12 students to the *Women of the Future Ambassadors Reception* at the *Lloyds Banking Group*. Read More

Adoremus Youth Congress

Niamh and I went to the Adoremus youth congress where we gained a deeper insight on religion and how religion is important for the younger generation. Read More

Symposium in Rome

Young Catholic women from the *Ursuline High School*, Wimbledon asked for a full and active role within their Church at a* Symposium in Rome* on 1st October 2018. Read More

All Souls Day

Staff and students visited the Chapel to light a candle and say a prayer for loved ones who are no longer with us on All Souls Day. Read More

A-Level Success

Congratulations to Ursuline students who sustained their outstanding progress from GCSE to A Level achieving the highest standards at ‘A’ level and all post 16 qualifications. 64% achieved A*-B, 90% A*-C, 100% A*-E. Read More

Social Mobility Conference

Led by experts in the field, Year 12 students from the Ursuline and Wimbledon College explored the extent, and causes of inequality and lack of social mobility in the UK today and the part that our Education System has to play in promoting social mobility. Read More

Year 13 Prom

Year 13 certainly dressed for the occasion at their joint Prom with Wimbledon College on Friday 29th June. Read More

Year 13 Celebrate!

Year 13 students, their families, friends and staff attended a *Celebration Mass* and *Prize Giving *held at *Sacred Heart Church* and reception which was held at *Ursuline Sixth Form Centre* on Friday 18th May. Read More