WoF Ambassadors Reception

We were very pleased to have been invited to take 5 of our Year 12 students to the Women of the Future Ambassadors Reception at the Lloyds Banking Group.

The morning started with some great icebreaker activities where the students had to work together and problem solve of how to build the tallest spaghetti tower and also a cups game with no hands allowed to touch the cups!

The theme of the event was Kindness through Generations and Ambassadors from different points in their careers spoke about the value of kindness followed by them networking with the students attending.  Pinki Lilani - founder of Women of the Future spoke about the importance of kindness and that "Whatever you do, be kind. Kindness is what is going to change the world". * Students described the event as "A great experience, really useful and insightful"

"Eye opening and inspirational."

"A great opportunity to be able to talk with so many female professionals, hear their advice and also practice my networking skills. Thank you so much."

 #WOFAmbassadors #believe #worldkindnessday


*Kindness Day UK is celebrated nationwide annually and is on Tuesday 13th November 2018 . It is a day to celebrate and promote kindness in all its forms. World Kindness Day falls on the same day and unites people in kindness globally.