
Our enrichment programme offers all Year 12 students a unique choice of nonexamined timetabled activities across a wide range of subjects and interests. We are delighted to be able to offer a broad range of exciting courses that will enrich students experience in the Sixth Form. The programme encompasses most areas of the curriculum, and some of the courses may lead to an external accreditation.

With the reform of the A Level syllabi, depth of knowledge and transferable skills such as independent research, self-reflection and effective communication have become paramount.

Enrichment courses include:

Duke of Edinburgh

Students achieve their Duke of Edinburgh qualification by completing volunteering work alongside developing their Physical skills and Resilience in an outdoor setting. Students complete a number of overnight expeditions where they are expected to be self-sufficient in the organisation of their equipment and supplies and refine their navigational skills.

Covent Garden Challenge

Teams of Year 12 Ursuline students travel to 9 local primary schools to run this enterprise challenge with Year 5 pupils. Developing their own leadership skills, the 6th form students work with younger pupils to help them come up with an innovative product to sell in Covent Garden Apple Market.

Guardian Young Writers’ Scheme

Year 12 students take part in the local Guardian young journalist scheme working as a journalist on the online paper. Students write articles which are reviewed by staff and the paper’s editor and are then published. Two Ursuline students were named as the winners of the 2016 Young Reporter Scheme and were in invited to attend a Journalism training day at Kingston University and an Award Ceremony.

Sixth Form Enrichment Programme
Sixth Form Enrichment 23-24