Year 13, YOU MADE IT!

We will miss our Year 13 students!

What an amazing group of people! Wishing them the very best in their upcoming exams and beyond. You've made us proud! 

But, we couldn’t let you go without a final quote or two from St Angela..

St Angela Merici said, “You will accomplish more by kind words and a courteous manner than by anger or sharp rebuke.” Each of you have most certainly strived to live this out during your time with us.

A memorable year group for many reasons, your (often loud) contributions to our community over the years have been vast and varied, and we are confident in your ability to go forth and be the game changers this world desperately needs.

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                                                                         Year group of 2022-2024


As you know, our sixth form motto is “Belong and Succeed”, you have been a valued part of our school, and we have no doubt you will succeed in anything you put your mind to.

In his final words to you, Mr Kelly mentioned the value of being consistent, and it really is key.  Don’t strive for perfection in life, you’ll always be disappointed, strive for consistency and stay committed to your goals. 

Be kind, be bold, work consistently, dare to be different, speak up for those whose voices are often unheard, always question, challenge the status quo, continue to break barriers, stay to true to yourself as you continue to light your own path in this thing called life.

Character over everything, always. Only then will you have lived a life that you can truly be proud of.

“Do not lose heart, even if you should discover that you lack the qualities necessary for the work to which you are called. He who called you will not desert you, but the moment you are in need he will stretch out his saving hand.” St Angela Merici

We’ll miss you, but remember, once an Ursuline always an Ursuline!

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