Stepping into STEM!

According to World Economic Forum (as of Feb 2018) In countries with higher gender equality, women are (still) less likely to get STEM degrees. It says..

"As societies become wealthier and more gender equal, women are less likely to obtain degrees in STEM, according to new research. The researchers call this a 'gender-equality paradox'."

"The underrepresentation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields occurs globally. Although women are currently well represented in life sciences, they continue to be underrepresented in inorganic sciences, such as computer science and physics."

In our never-ending quest to level the playing field- Year 12 students received a talk from the head of a 'Step into STEM' mentoring programme in association with Girls Talk London.

The programme is targeted at students who are studying a STEM subject i.e the sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), Maths, Economics, Computer Science, ICT or have an interest in working in the sector. The programme is delivered in partnership with global organisations such as 02, BT, Vodafone and Ericson. Students who complete the scheme are mentored by senior managers from these organisations over a 7 month period and receive careers guidance and advice and also attend a two days careers summit.

To find out more information, you can read about it here: