BIMA Digital Day

Our Year 12 Digital T-Level students competed in the BIMA Digital Day 2023 on 8th November.  BIMA is a sponsored, nationwide digital challenge, this year in partnership with Vue cinema, and was run by Phoebe Lewis and Louisa Graham-Taylor, from the global design and product studio, Athlon.  

The students thoroughly enjoyed the event and the chance to speak to people with an established career in the tech field, and they produced excellent ideas for their challenge of using technology to incentivise more young people to go to the cinema. 

After the event, Pheobe and Louisa’s manager wrote to us to say, ‘Well, what can I say - Phoebe and Louisa have been positively giddy this afternoon after the Digital Day. The feedback from them has been overwhelmingly positive, both about the organisation by yourselves and the enthusiasm of the students.’