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Expanding Our Offer!

Ursuline Sixth Form is proud to be delivering T Levels and continually working on expanding our T Level offer to provide the very best curriculum offer for our students! Read More

Digital Experience!

Our T Level Digital students had a great start to their placements at Nutri Troops in July! Nutri Troops is a great company who teach children how to live a healthy lifestyle through fun and interactive games! Read More

Centre of Excellence!

Ursuline is delighted to announce that the DFE has awarded the school 650k to refurbish 5 classrooms to deliver Business and Nursing T levels in September 2022. Read More

Time to Take a T Level!

A new qualification (equivalent to 3 A Levels), backed by business, with a work based placement which will better prepare you for the future you want? Read More

T Level Information Evening

On Tuesday 2nd March we hosted our *T-Level Online Information Evening* on Microsoft Teams. The event was designed to further inform parents and students on the benefits of studying a T-Level at Ursuline Sixth Form. Read More

The Next Level In Education!

Young people are often leaving college and university with a severe lack of work experience relating to their intended career aspirations, this often leaves them disheartened and ill-equipped to be successful in gaining that crucial ‘foot in the door’ in the modern day workplace. Read More
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