Ursuline Parents' Association

It's harder to meet other parents at secondary school but by coming along to UPA events you'll get to know other people and feel more involved in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.   

Helping and Joining the UPA

Our fundraising through events such as: Quiz Nights, School Performances, the Carol Service, Doughnut Day, Nearly New Uniform Sales among others have enabled the school to purchase their minibus, sound system, books for the school library, curtains, desks, outdoor seating areas and much more.

We're always in need of a helping hand!

We need more willing volunteers so please let us know if you are interested by contacting us on our email.

We also need to collect items which can be used to generate money by way of raffle tickets. If you, or your company, are able to donate any form of gift, voucher or ticket of entry in to places of interest or events, please contact us on: UPA@ursulinehigh.merton.sch.uk

Thank you.

Joanne Davies and Jacqueline Potts

Joint Chairs 


Our Fundraising Efforts

We help raise much needed funds for the school by supporting and helping at events such as: Quiz Nights, Race Nights, School Performances, the Carol Service, Doughnut Day, Nearly New Uniform Sales among others. These events have helped support the school by providing funds to purchase the minibus, sound system, curtains, desks, outdoor seating areas and more.

In addition to events organised throughout the year, the UPA has a number of on-going activities that help us fund raise with just a couple of clicks.

Donating Items

We need to collect items which can be used to generate money by way of raffle tickets. If you, or your company, are able to donate any form of gift, voucher or ticket of entry in to places of interest or events, or you are interested in joining our team, please contact us on: UPA@ursulinehigh.merton.sch.uk


Key Dates & Events (typically held)

January: Doughnut Day

February: Doughnut Day

March: Year 7 Film Night

April: Nearly New Uniform Sale

April: Doughnut Day 

May: Doughnut Day

June: Summer Fair

July: Doughnut Day

July: Nearly New Uniform Sale

September/Oct: Year 7 Film Night

Nov or March: Parents’ & Teachers’ Quiz Night


Online Shopping

Shop online at Easy Fundraising and raise funds for our school whilst shopping with your favourite online retailers. If you shop online for food, books, games, presents or even holidays, just click on this link first and you can earn us a commission on your purchase. There is no extra cost to you.

All you have to do is access Easy Fundraising and you will be taken to a page where there is a list of hundreds of retailers who support the scheme. From this page you click through to the website of the retailer you want to buy from, e.g. Tesco, Sainsburys, John Lewis, M&S, Next, Argos, Amazon…. and the list goes on!

Anything you purchase will earn us a commission…IT’S THAT SIMPLE! It’s important to mention that, unlike other websites, Easy Fundraising doesn’t take payment information and won’t pass your details to anyone without your permission.

Please give it a try and put it on your home page, and encourage your friends and family to do the same.

Thank you from all of us at the UPA and Ursuline High School – your help will make a difference.

STEP BY STEP guide to create your account and password: (you only need to do this once)

  1. Access Easy Fundraising
  2. Click “Support a good cause” button
  3. Choose the cause, which is: “URSULINE PARENTS ASSOCIATION (UPA)”
  4. Click “Support this cause”
  5. Create your password and when you have entered your details, click “Create my account”
  6. UPA is also eligible for gift aid, so please choose to contribute in this way.
  7. If you click “Get the donation reminder,” a toolbar will install to make your access easier every time
  8. Remember, log into the website every time you shop on line to ensure that you never miss a donation. Next time you shop you just have to sign in with your member details

For any further inquires please contact

UPA Committee

Joint Chairs: Joanne Davies and Jacqueline Potts

Treasurer: Paula Sherwood

Secretary: Rosslynne Jorge

Andrea Kilcawley, Suzanne Parker, Rachel Victory
