You are here: About Us » The Governors Development Fund
As a Catholic Academy Trust school, we rely on good financial management of school funds and the fantastic generosity of our whole school community to enable and enhance the education experience to our students. All additional funding secured makes a significant impact on our school’s offering and the programmes we provide for our students.
Your support goes directly towards enriching the educational opportunities for our students and maintaining the exceptional environment in which the students learn. In recent years, your contributions have supported many works including: refurbishment of student services, construction of the accommodation of T Level Nursing, our Katherine Johnson T Level Digital Building, Business and T Level Science, the new roof at St Angela’s, new doors, floors and heating upgrades/repair, renovation of our main kitchen /dining room, tennis court upgrade, and LED lighting and CCTV throughout the Main School.
Additionally, Governors contribute to the School’s Chaplaincy programmes to sustain and develop the school’s charism and ethos, and our Laptop Scheme where our students have the use of a laptop throughout your child’s education at the Ursuline.
We ask all parents / carers to make a voluntary contribution of £30 per month to the school, for the duration of their child’s education at Ursuline High School. An annual payment of £360 can be made if preferred.
Monthly donations will be collected by Direct Debit. We ask parents / carers to make the first donation on the date of their daughter’s interview. Further donations will be collected by Direct Debit from September onwards.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please complete the Gift Aid Declaration section of the form. This allows us to claim back the tax you have already paid, from the Inland Revenue. For every pound you donate, the school receives an additional 25 pence, at no extra cost to you.
For those facing financial constraints, the school supports families who are unable to afford the full donation. If this is the case, please let us know. Also, your ongoing support through involvement in school activities, volunteering, and fostering a sense of community is equally invaluable.
We would like to thank the many Ursuline High School parents, past and present, for their generous contributions to the school. They have defined the schools’ overall success.
To discuss the Fund, your donation and/or request forms please contact our finance department.