You are here: Safeguarding » Contact our Safeguarding team
We really do care for each and everyone of our students and we ensure that their individual needs are known and met. Students have a variety of mental health support available that they can access in school to support them, with any worries or anxieties students may have about school or outside of school.
If you are worried about a student at our school during term time, please contact the Safeguarding Team. You can either contact a team member directly or contact the school on 020 8255 2688 and ask to speak to a member of the safeguarding team, or email the Safeguarding mailbox
Outside of school hours please use the telephone number and/or email listed below.
Assistant Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) / Inclusion & Mental Health
Ms Rachael Gilmore: 0203 908 3168 /
Safeguarding Officer
Ms Kerry Connor: 0203 908 3158 /
Deputy Safeguarding Well-being Lead & Business Support
Ms Sarah McCourt: 0203 908 3197 /
Ms Danielle Boateng: 0203 908 3104 /
07415 005402 /
Merton Safeguarding Children Partnership:
Radicalisation: Educate against hate (Home Office)
Prevent: Government Prevent Strategy(Home Office)
Online safety: Child Exploitation & Online Protection command (CEOP)