Catering Provision

The school is committed to providing a range of healthy and nutritious meals for our students. All our menus cater for those with special dietary requirements.

We serve hot meals, snacks, cold food and drinks during the morning and lunch breaks, and breakfast before school (agreed in advance). Please see below for our school meals price lists and menus. 

Allergies & Natasha’s Law Legislation

At our school food regulations are strictly followed, it is a crucial element of our offering.

Whilst we are not a nut free school, we avoid nuts wherever possible.

All pre-packaged food meets labelling requirements (food name and ingredients list with allergenic ingredients emphasised). Also, everything is also labelled clearly on menus and our catering manager has allergy advice for all products sold.

Our Catering Team completes regular allergy awareness training.


We have four serving areas in the school. There are two canteens for KS3 and KS4. KS5 has their own provision across two halls, and they can access the KS3 Dining Room.

Healthy Eating

As a healthy eating school, we do not sell high fat or sugar items including crisps, chocolate, chocolate biscuits, sweets, muffins, and doughnuts.

Instead, we have a range of healthy choices available including but not limited to hot cooked meals, a salad bar, hummus and lentil chips, vegetable straws, dry fruit, hummus pots and dessert options containing at least 50% fruit. We use wholemeal bread and semi skimmed milk.


Unflavoured still water may be taken anywhere including in class, provided it is stored in a safe bottle (with a lid) and done in a way that does not disrupt lessons or cause safety problems (for example in a laboratory or workshop). Water bottles can be refilled on site. No glass is allowed on site.

Water is also provided free in the canteens during breakfast, morning break and lunch.


For the main school (Y7-11), the canteen operates a cashless system. Meal cards are issued to all Y7-11 pupils when they start with us and must be used to buy food. Accounts must be topped up online by parents/carers through ParentPay. Parents/carers can top up accounts weekly, half-termly, termly, or yearly. This is at parents’ discretion. 

Cash is not accepted in the canteen, and any lost cards will incur a cost of £3.50 to replace. Please report lost cards immediately.

Sixth Form students pay for food with their own bank cards. Cash is accepted.

Year 7-11 students entitled to free school meals, automatically have their accounts credited with their entitlement. Parents may choose to top up credit and increase the daily free school meal allowance if they wish. Other students do not know who is and who is not on free school meals. Sixth Form students are given an allowance.

Packed Lunches 

As the school ensures that the food sold on site is healthy, balanced and nutritious, it is important that everyone who brings food into school does the same.

If your daughter is bringing packed lunches to school, please ensure that packed lunches are balanced with vegetables, fruit, carbohydrates, and protein.

Please ensure your daughter does not bring in nuts, or sweets. 

We do provide water free of charge, and other drinks at a cost but should a student wish to bring in a drink of her own to have with lunch she should bring in water, fruit juice, plain milk, or fruit juice with water only (cordial).

For tips on healthy eating and packed lunch visit Lunchbox ideas and recipes – Healthier Families - NHS (

Student Data & Data Protection

Certain data will be held on the system to enable accurate operation. This will include your child’s name, class, photo, account balance and meal entitlement. This data will be handled under the guidelines of the data protection act and only used by parties directly involved with the implementation of the system.

Our Catering Team

The catering team are employed 'in house', the service is not outsourced, food standards and quality are high. Ursuline High is a London Living Wage employer. All the food provided in the canteen is provided 'at or below cost'. 'Cost' includes catering staff wages and of course the food itself.

Our Team regularly undergoes Health & Safety training and has been awarded a 5 Star Hygiene Rating by the Food Standards Agency. 

Price Lists

Main School

Morning Break Price List
Main Kitchen Price List

Snacks Price List

Sixth Form

Sixth Form Price List






Morning Break Menu
Spring 25: Main School Menu 1
Spring 25: Main School Menu 2
Spring 25: Main School Menu 3