
At Ursuline High School we have a dedicated and committed Governor team. As these Governors can be a part of important decisions of the school Ursuline make sure that they follow council guidelines meaning no possibilities on conflicts or bias decisions occur.

Ursuline ensures that:

Each member of staff or of the governing body should ensure that, before they become involved in making a decision, or participate in a discussion or authorises any transaction on any matter, there are no conflicts of interests that, in the opinion of a fair-minded and informed observer, would suggest a real possibility of bias.

In the interests of transparency and accountability, members of schools staff and the governing body are required to register in advance interests that are capable of causing conflicts. In addition, in relation to specific decisions, disclosure should be made of any interests that might conflict with their duties.

Declaration of Interests for Staff and Governors at Ursuline High School.

Our Governors for 2023 - 2024

Name Type Appointed by Committees served End of term of office Declarations of interest
Mr Eoin Kelly Headteacher Governing body
  • Strategy
  • Ethos and Admissions
  • Curriculum
  • Sixth Form
  • Health, Safety, Finance and General Purposes
  • Pastoral
  • Personnel

In post since September 2023


Ms Claire Thorogood (Co-Chair)


Archdiocese of Southwark
  • Pastoral
  • Strategy (Chair)
  • Sixth Form
December 2025 None
Mrs Fiona Hicks

H&S Link Governor
Foundation Archdiocese of Southwark
  • Strategy
  • Ethos and Admissions
  • Curriculum
  • Health, Safety, Finance and General Purposes  
February 2025  None
Mrs Adwoa- Buahema Fadahunsi (Co-Chair)

Equalities and Racial Justice Link Governor
Foundation Archdiocese of Southwark
  • Personnel
  • Pastoral (Chair)
October 2026 Lay member of the Merton Childrens’ and  Adult Safeguarding Board
Ms Elaine Killerby

SEND Link Governor
Foundation Archdiocese of Southwark
  • Pastoral
  • Curriculum
February 2026 Retired from the London Borough of Merton in the Educational Psychology Service, which provides a service to the school.
Mrs Karen Peck 

Safeguarding and Sexual Harrassment Link Governor
 Foundation   Archdiocese of Southwark  
  • Strategy
  • Pastoral
October 2026 Trustee at AFC Wimbledon
Mrs Estelle Lambert

Wellbeing Link Governor
 Foundation   Archdiocese of Southwark  
  • Pastoral
  • Personnel (Chair)
December 2025 Governor at Sacred Heart Primary School, Fulham
Dr Ardle MacMahon (Vice Chair)

Curriculum Standards and PP Link Governor
 Foundation  Archdiocese of Southwark  
  • Curriculum (Chair)
  • Sixth Form
October 2027  None
Ms Iasone Lucas Foundation TBC Archdiocese of Southwark
  • Ethos and Admissions
  • Health, Safety, Finance and General Purposes
TBC None
Mr Eugene McCormick Co-opted Governing body
  • Health, Safety, Finance and General Purposes
June 2023 None
Mr Suraj Sudra Parent Parents and carers of students at the school  
  • Personnel
  • Ethos and Admissions
July 2028 None
Mr Alfredo Trivino Parent Parents and carers of students at the school   July 2028 None
Ms Rekha Theaker Parent Parents and carers of students at the school
  • Sixth Form
January 2027 None
Professor Claire Ozanne  Co-opted Governing body No committees served  September 2024  None
Mr Gary Hipple

Finance Link Governor
 LA London Borough of Merton
  • Health, Safety, Finance and General Purposes (Chair)
April 2027 Trustee of the London Grid for Learning who provide the school’s broadband connection.
Mrs Rachael Gilmore Staff Governor Governing body
  • Pastoral
  • Curriculum
November 2024 None
Ms Priyanka Banerji-Bhatia Associate Governing body
  • Personnel
November 2024 None
Mr Michael Lord Associate Governing body
  • Curriculum
  • Pastoral
November 2024 None



Mrs Faye McGillian


Governing body

  • Strategy
  • Ethos and Admissions
  • Curriculum
  • Sixth Form
  • Health, Safety, Finance and General Purposes
  • Pastoral
  • Personnel

In post since November 2014

Clerk to Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School.

Resignations in last 12 months

Type of Governor

Appointed by

Committees served

Ms Julia Waters
August 2023


Governing body

  • Strategy
  • Ethos and Admissions
  • Curriculum
  • Sixth Form
  • Health, Safety, Finance and General Purposes
  • Pastoral
  • Personnel

Mr Hugo Cruz
July 2023

 Parent Parents and carers of students at the school
  • Health, Safety, Finance and General Purposes
  • Curriculum

Ms Lisa Thefaut (Vice Chair)

Ethos, Personal Development and Behaviour Link Governor
July 2023

Foundation Governing body
  • Ethos and Admissions (Chair)
  • Strategy

Ms Fiona Razvi

Sixth Form Link Governor
November 2023

 Foundation Archdiocese of Southwark  
  • Strategy
  • Ethos and Admissions
  • Sixth Form (Chair)


Financial Information

Benchmarking information for our school.

Employees’ salaries over £100,000

No of Employees with gross salary of  £110,000 - £119,999 1
No of Employees with gross salary of  £100,000 - £109,999  0
Board of Governors Model Sept 23