All Girls' Education

Why Ursuline High School?

We understand how exciting and worrying a time it can be, as you start to navigate the secondary school process. There’s certainly lots to consider and the decision can be a weighty one.

We regularly engage in thought-provoking conversations with existing and prospective parents regarding the process and what’s important to families. One thing that comes up time and time again is the coeducational Vs all girls’ education debate, and we thought you would find it valuable to hear more.

Why consider girls only education?

Firstly, there is vast evidence* that girls do better in exams at all-girls schools than mixed. 

In addition, every aspect of an all-girls’ school – from the classroom to the sports field to the academic programme – is designed for girls.  This all-girls’ school environment adds opportunities for girls and all-girls’ educated students are more likely to:

In addition to better exam results, in comparison to their co-educated peers, studies* show that young women who attend girls’ schools are more likely to:

To explore more, the FFT DataLab report from May 2024 and related article published in The Guardian, focusing on exam results within girls’ only schools are insightful reads. Also, we recommend the ‘On educating Girls’: Creating a World of Possibilities’ podcast produced by the International Coalition of Girls’ Schools (ICGS). The podcast is a robust global conversation among experts who are passionate about the education and healthy development of girls.

*International Coalition of Girls’ Schools (ICGS), FFT Education Datalab