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We trust and listen to our students, as well as implementing their ideas. Students can impact on our school by applying to become Student Leaders and / or Members of the School Council.
The School Council has representatives from every Tutor Group who meet regularly throughout each school year. Each representative presents their ideas to their peers at the start of the academic year and elections are then held. In recent years, School Council have made improvements to many areas of the school. We have an increased focus on equality for all and challenging all aspects of discrimination. The school council has also campaigned successfully to help improve the environment within our school, the local community and globally.
Our Student Leadership Programme consists of students from years 7-10 working in teams on a number of projects across the school- linked to the priorities in the school improvement plan. The groups are facilitated by staff members, but run by the students. Year 10 Student Leaders are assigned to each group and undertake a Leadership Training Programme at the start of the year. They then take responsibility for coordinating the groups, leading meetings and liaising with the staff facilitator.
Working in teams helps students develop skills in resilience, planning, organisation, coordination, problem solving and enterprise. The success of the programme is reflected by the increasing number of students applying to be student leaders.
Student implemented projects include;
In the Sixth Form the Head Girl team act as ambassadors speaking at a range of events. They also lead prefects and support students across the school in their own personally devised project.
Paul Williams
0203 098 3188