Collective Worship

As a Catholic community gathering in prayer is central to our daily routine. Jesus said ‘Where two or more of you are gathered in my name, there I am also’ Matthew 18:20. We gather with Christ at the start of every day both as staff and students, at the beginning of every RE lesson and regularly throughout the year in keeping with the liturgical calendar.

We have four whole school masses per year for the start of the academic year, the feast of St Ursula, the feast of St Angela and the end of the academic year, as well as voluntary masses for Holy Days of Obligation. We also have liturgies to mark important times in the Church calendar such as All Saints Day/All Souls Day, Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Ash Wednesday and Earth Day. We make use of a wide range of media, resources and environments including our beautiful school chapel, our local parish church as well as online liturgies.

In addition, once a year each form group plan, prepare and deliver a prayer service on a theme of their choice for another form group. Student reps from each form are trained by the chaplaincy team to lead others in the planning of these services.

The student led chaplaincy team with the support of our school Chaplain provide engaging, reflective and deeply spiritual opportunities for all students to encounter God, no matter where they are on their own personal faith journey.

"Form prayer in the morning brings us together giving us a chance to pause and reflect on God in our lives during the day ahead, preparing for the challenges which we may face and giving thanks for our many blessings. It connects us, grounds us and uplifts us as a form." Teacher

Prayer and Liturgy Policy 2023