Safeguarding at Ursuline

At the Ursuline High School, the wellbeing and the safety of young people in our care is paramount. We recognize our duty to ensure arrangements are in place for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

As per of our safeguarding practice, we share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a young person’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our students are discussed with their parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the young person’s welfare. We have an extensive network of agencies and staff that can offer support to any young person and their family. We can also offer advice to signpost families in need of help.

If you are worried about a student at our school during term time, please contact the school (020 8255 2688) and ask to speak to a member of the safeguarding team, or directly email to directly email via

Urgently assistance out of school hours, please see the links below:

Merton Safeguarding Children Partnership

Radicalisation: Educate against hate (Home Office)

Prevent: Government Prevent Strategy(Home Office)

Online safety: Child Exploitation & Online Protection command (CEOP)



London Borough of Merton also has an excellent website full of resources, should you require further information on council based facilities.


For any further enquires please contact

Assistant Headteacher Inclusion/Lead DSL/Mental Health

Ms Rachael Gilmore

0203 908 3168

Safeguarding Officer

Ms Kerry Connor                                        

0203 908 3158

Deputy Safeguarding Wellbeing Lead & Business Support

Ms Sarah McCourt

0203 908 3197

Safeguarding Officer

Ms Danielle Boateng 

0203 908 3104


Out of Term Contact

07415 005402


Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Sept 2023
Whistleblowing Policy January 2024