Individual Learning Needs

It is the expectation that all students, who are ready for secondary school in a mainstream setting, will be accessing the curriculum in the classroom with differentiated teaching and additional support when appropriate.

Looked After Children

The school has a designated teacher for children who are in the care of their Local Authority. They work in partnership with the child’s social worker to produce a Personal Education Plan (PEP) to ensure that educational and social needs are met.

Special Educational Needs

At the Ursuline we aim to cater for the individual learning needs of all students in line with the SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 Years. The students identified with additional needs are placed on the Learning Support Register at one of two levels: Educational Health Care Plan or Student with Additional Needs. 

There are four broad areas of need in which reasonable adjustments are made to support the young person;

Communication and interaction

Cognition and learning

Social, mental and emotional health

Sensory and/or physical

Students who have an EHCP receive extra support and guidance in some of their lessons from Teaching Assistants who work in partnership with the subject teacher to help students to access the curriculum. Where appropriate, students may also be withdrawn from some lessons for one to one or small group support on, for example, reading and writing skills, organisational skills and raising self-esteem.

All students on the register have an SEND provision map to inform subject teachers of the specific learning challenges so that they can differentiate their work accordingly. Extra support is given to students as deemed necessary and the progress of these students is co-ordinated and monitored by the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO). 

Students on the Special Educational Needs register may also need assessment and support from other professionals including the Educational Psychologist, the Learning and Behaviour team and the Social Inclusion Manager. Once again, these referrals are managed by the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.

“My teaching assistant is great, she will explain things again and again until she’s sure I understand, it’s much easier to learn when I’m getting the extra time I need.” Student

Primary School Leavers

At the end of Year 6, students on the SEND Register in their primary schools may be asked to complete a diagnostic test, this is to enable us to provide targeted support upon their arrival in Year 7. 

This support may include reading intervention to raise their reading age, enabling them to access National Curriculum tests, and support with numeracy to embed basic numeracy skills.

SEND Information Report

The school information report links directly to the SEND Policy in our school policies section of the website.

Take a look at Merton's Local Offer.

For any further inquires please contact

SEND Administrator

Ms Emily Chan 

020 3908 3147


Mrs Victoria Jefferies

020 3908 3132

SEND Policy Nov 2023
UHS SEND Information Report October 2024