ASGS Conference

"I liked Jenny Langley's talk on perfectionism and her understanding of what motivates students academically and how to have a growth mindset". Emily, Year 12

Two year 12 students, Georgina and Emily, accompanied Polly Harrison, our Director of Learning, to the Association of State Girls' Schools Conference at Westminster Central Hall on Friday 4th October.

We heard speeches from Baroness Hale, president of the Supreme Court, Professor Jane Clarke from Wolfson College Cambridge and other leading women. The focus of the day was looking at the heart of girls' state school education and the challenges facing young women today. The conference encouraged educators to help our students both set and achieve their goals. It was a very positive and collaborative day.

Georgina said

"I found Baroness Hale's speech particularly inspiring. There are so many more women in top positions now than when she started her career- it gives everyone a duty to continue this trend and make it to the top".