Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

In line with our mission and values, our priority is to make Ursuline High a fairer and more inclusive place to work and study, with belonging and racial justice at its heart, offering dignity and respect to every child, member of staff and parent in our school community. We accept that breaking down long-standing racist inequalities will take time, and this is an ongoing commitment.

Following a review of the overall commitment of the school to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), by Professor Paul Miller, we are delighted that the impact against our Strategic Action Plan has been recognised (see report by Professor Miller, May 2021 below). Since the Review, we have embraced Professor Miller’s recommended next steps and can confidently say we are making significant progress with each one including 1) Establishing a clear EDI communications plan, 2) Developing an integrated EDI Strategy & Action Plan and 3) Consolidating and recalibrating the existing Work Packages. 

I, together with my senior leaders and staff, am committed to providing an inclusive culture and to removing barriers to success. I thank my SLT, EDI Task Force and all staff for their continued hard work to ensure we deliver (and exceed) our EDI Strategic Plan.

For more information or to discuss in further detail please contact my PA, Lydia Torch.

Eoin Kelly


Equity Diversity and Inclusion dashboard

Equalities Targets 2023-24

Moving to become an Anti-Racist School.

100% of teaching staff can explain the difference between a non-racist school and an anti-racist school.

95% of teaching staff will be able to give examples of how they have been anti-racist.

70% of support staff will be able to give examples of how they have been anti-racist.

Current and past participants on the RISL course will be able to articulate how this has impacted on their own practice and others.

RMG disadvantaged students in Year 11 to achieve the same P8 benchmarks as the rest of the disadvantaged cohort

RMG disadvantaged students in Year 11 to achieve the same P8 benchmarks as the rest of the disadvantaged cohort

Progress gap remains closed and specific Attainment gaps remaining to be addressed

Gap between RMGs and Other to be within 5% on all thresholds especially  5+7+.

7-9 for black students overall % gap to increase to 35% in 2024

Progress gap remains closed and specific Attainment gaps remaining to be addressed

Student voice has a visible EDI input into each subject curriculum.


Focus groups, consultative groups, Curriculum documents, cover page of each SOL updated, once per term per year per subject there are visible EDI activities in the classroom, with student feedback showing that 90% of staff are engaged with these activities. 

Inclusion EDI


Equality Mark


Students to lead in collaboration on 3  EDI conferences and workshops


Silver mark to be achieved in July 2023 and Gold in May 2024



Equalities Diversity Cohesion Policy March 2020
EDI Report Professor Paul Miller 2021