"Ursuline made a great impact on me..."

“Ursuline made such a great impact to who I am today and also how I view the business landscape” Bisoye

Ursuline Alumnae Bisoye Babalola recently emailed thanking the Ursuline High School for making such a huge impact on her life and future career decisions!

She is now running a seasonal club for young people aged 14-17- focusing on nurturing creative talents and highlighting possible career paths in the media, fashion and creative industry. She recently received a British Empire Award on the Queens Honours list for 2019!

Bisoye attended Ursuline from 2003-2010, where she attained 9 A-C GCSE's picking up Drama, Food Technology and Business Studies. At sixth form she did 4 A Levels- Double Business Studies, Media and Sociology and then attended De Montfort University and graduated with a BA Hons in Media & Communications. 

On being an Ursuline student Bisoye recalls...

"I learnt a lot about self-discipline and being accountable for my actions.. which contributed to me focusing on the business I started in Year 10. Further to that, when I applied for BBC Jnr Apprentice in Year 12 - Mr Tan (my Business Studies teacher at the time) went through my application with me, helped me analyse what I was projecting as my business - with his help I was able to get an interview and pass the first round of interviews." 

On her reasons for setting up Holiday Club Bisoye states...

"I think the conversation surrounding careers should be happened from an earlier age, I was fortunate to be supported by my family and school in terms of career options that were accessible to me but not everyone has that same opportunity. I wanted to be able to help in supporting someone else in finding out there interest are."

We are so proud of Ursuline Alumnae Bisoye and thrilled that she has done so well.

Aged between 14-17? Interested in media or the arts?

You can find our more about Bisoye's fantastic Holiday Club opportunity here (it's free!).
