A Level Results 2023

Ursuline High School is pleased to report the achievements of our Year 13 students in their A levels and Vocational qualifications this summer.

Year 13 A Level Results 2023

Subjects A*-A A*-B A*-C A*-E
Total 20% 46% 74% 99%

Vocational Level 3

  D*-D% D*-M% D*-P%
Total 83% 98% 100%

T Levels

  D*-D% D*-M% D*-P%
Total 0% 45%


University Destinations

This year many of our students were accepted into higher education to study a vast range of subjects. These include Biomedical Science, Criminology and Sociology, Law, Architecture, Business Management, Accounting and Finance, Aerospace Engineering, Medicine, Geography, Primary Education, Media and Communications, Computer Science, and Economics.

Take a look at our full List of University Destinations.