Apps For Change at IBM

“It was great to have the opportunity to find out more about how technology can help and influence the environment and the challenge of climate change..” Student

Women of the Future working with IBM arranged a corporate visit for some sixth form students to join the IBM Pave it Forward event on Monday 9th December.

Students heard from Jon O’Donnell – General Manager IBM GBS talk about the role of technology in sustainability and climate change. How IBM help companies use technology to improve and address the challenges climate change brings. This comes from great ideas that are created outside of the box, considering first the user experience and empathising with them before exploring needs and problems and creating ideas that can be tested and evolve  as they are created. Students were then able to work in teams exploring  a role within the school environment, identifying a problem and possible solution and devise an app that could help them with this problem and also help improve sustainability and address the climate challenge we all face.

The opportunity to work with an IBM mentor enabled them to work together, explore options, be challenged and create the principle of an app as a solution.