Teaching and Learning

We achieve outstanding results at Ursuline High School through challenging, engaging and consistently memorable learning experiences.

Our highly skilled and diverse teaching staff are equipped with the latest pedagogical studies to support their exemplary subject knowledge. We have a clear, research informed policy on the best teaching methods to engage and enthuse our students with a love of learning. We are passionate about our craft and share this with our students.

In all lessons, we aim to develop the students’ skills with particular focus on challenge and assessment for learning. Student feedback is really important to us. To support this, Learning Conferences are organised throughout the year for all year groups, according to their needs. This year conferences have primarily focused on developing study skills, revision techniques, memory and preparing for examinations.

“Our curriculum provision is designed with our Mission Statement and Leaver’s profile at the heart of it. As well as enabling our students to achieve outstanding results, we support our students in becoming lifelong learners and successful women leaders in the twenty first century.”  Teacher

In a world that is rapidly changing, our outward looking approach and continuous innovation in teaching enables us to deliver a modern, global education which prepares our students to take their place as successful young women.

Every student is set a minimum target. This grade is based on  prior attainment at the start of each Key Stage. Termly reports to parents monitor achievement, progress and effort. Parents can access their daughter’s progress report on the school Progresso system using their own password.

Students are grouped according to prior attainment in English, French and Mathematics. In Science, this occurs in Year 8 onwards. The Foundation subjects students are taught in mixed ability groups. Teachers identify groups of individuals who need additional or different activities to challenge and aid learning.


For any further enquires please contact

Assistant Headteacher

Mr Owen Nichols

0203 908 3164

Curriculum Policy 2023
Digital Learning and Safety Policy 2023
Catch Up Premium Intervention Funding Summary
Review of Remote Education Framework UHSW Jan 2021
TL Policy 2023