Year 13 Celebrate!

Year 13 students, their families, friends and staff attended a Celebration Mass and Prize Giving held at Sacred Heart Church and reception which was held at Ursuline Sixth Form Centre on Friday 18th May. 

Canon John Clark celebrated the Mass, with a strong message to students to serve and to embrace life and its many challenges, as they leave the Sixth Form and venture into the world of university, apprenticeships and work! The Sixth Form choir, sang beautifully during the Mass- which was a wonderful compliment to the service.

The Mass was followed by Prize Giving, with an Award for Achievement and an Award for Progress for students in each subject. Ms Waters presented the Special Award for Serviam to Hannah B (bottom, left, on the left) and for Academic Excellence to Sarah E (above, left, on the right).

Each student was presented with a Leavers’ Gift and the celebration and awards were followed by a champagne and canapé reception at the Ursuline Sixth Form Centre, for staff, students and their families.

We wish our Year 13 students the very best of luck in their future endeavours!

Year 13 Awards

AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE Sarah Eiwanger This student has demonstrated academic excellence over the course of the year in all 3 of  her subjects. She is predicted to achieve 3 A* grades in History, Psychology and Sociology and she has consistently achieved A* grades in both sets of Year 13 mocks as well as other key assessments across the board. Her work ethic is exemplary and her attitude to learning exceptional. She has displayed resilience and  determination throughout the course of her studies and there is little doubt    that her potential will continue to flourish as she moves on to university.
SERVIAM AWARD Hannah Burton This student's contributions to life inside and outside of school are truly remarkable. She epitomises the school's core values of kindness, respect, generosity and lives out Serviam in all that she does. Throughout her time in the Sixth form, she has readily offered to help out at a variety of school events and has mentored students in the lower years, generously giving of her time to meet with them weekly and discuss their anxieties. She also gave up a lot of time each week working with students who had a range of disabilities at the Perseid School. Outside of school, the list of volunteer opportunities she has undertaken include being a dining companion at Kingston Hospital where she feeds patients in the trauma and orthopaedic ward, often working with patients who have dementia. She also volunteered at Deen City Farm for 5 years, helping with the animals and helping new volunteers settle in. In between her revision, this student ran a marathon in April, raising over £700 for Chestnut Tree House Hospice, where her cousin spent only one day before he sadly passed away.


BTEC Level 3 Diploma APPLIED SCIENCE  Amirah Valimahomed  Nicole Garcia Marin
ART  Matilda Milburn  Katherine Dougherty
BIOLOGY  Melissa Kiely  Zornitsa Lilova
BUSINESS STUDIES  Meryl Rodrigues  Victoria Mullen
BTEC Level 3 Diploma BUSINESS STUDIES  Louisa Loughray  Zora Bansah
CHEMISTRY  Karolina Kapusta  Karen Brobbey
ECONOMICS  Emily Waring  Jackeline Bernal-Ortiz
ENGLISH LANGUAGE  Cerys Holliday  Charlotte Byrne
ENGLISH LITERATURE  Lillie Rodger  Shannon Skehan
AS EXTENDED PROJECT QUALIFICATION  Ashling Hayes  Malgorzata Piasecka
FOOD TECHNOLOGY  Paige Brien  Hannah Pullen
FRENCH  Emily Taylor  Tara Heffer
GEOGRAPHY  Delilah Meredith  Lute Durham
GERMAN  Agata Zaremba  Vanesa Smrikarova
GOVERNMENT & POLITICS  Monica Giuliani  Jennifer Eba-Dadier
HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE SINGLE  Laura Panciroli  Sutharsana Ramaneethan
HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE DOUBLE  Emily Jerez  Tara Jones
HISTORY  Cara Eiwanger  Sabrina Court
Level 3 Extended certificate IT  Nafeesah Siddique  Chiara Porzio
MATHEMATICS  Sophia Saadouni  Sehani Segar
P.E  Jessica Roberts  Anastasia Kent
PHYSICS  Sabrina McCann  Jesley Faye Fantolgo
PSYCHOLOGY  Martha Doyle  Annie Gallagher
RELIGIOUS STUDIES  Madeleine Mamak  Niamh Murray
SOCIOLOGY  Hannah Thornton  Agata Juskiewicz


DRAMA  Megan Downey  Harley McCarthy
ENGLISH LANG/LIT  Chloe Gilchrist  Aishah Choudry
MUSIC  Aisling Fitzgerald  Nadeen Bayley
PHOTOGRAPHY  Klaudia Kurylowska  Sara Jedruszewska
SPANISH  Kimberley Rubio

 Jessica Lloyd- Nwosu