La casa de los espiritus

On Wednesday 6th November, Year 12 and 13 A-Level Spanish students went to Cervantes theatre to watch La casa de los espiritus (The House of the Spirits), which is one of the AQA texts for Paper 2. Firstly, we walked to Wimbledon station to take the train to Waterloo. The play began at 2:30 and our first impression was that the room was very small. We were all very excited! We enjoyed the actors performances and the effects were very good. We sat very close to the actors and because of this we felt involved in the intensity of the play. It was a very dramatic play on a very serious topic: politics, supernatural, domestic violence, sexual abuse etc. The sadness and trauma experienced by Alba really got to us through her expressions. During the performance we tried to recognise who the characters were in the play by using the programme and our notes. Overall everyone liked the play and we would highly recommend it even if you do not speak Spanish.