We Want To Hear From You

Contact Us

All staff contact details can be found on the Ursuline directory

Please use email to contact us.

Form Tutors – general enquires about the Ursuline, friendship issues, organisation, homework, clubs/enrichment, uniform, equipment, travelling to/from school, punctuality, trips/calendar events.

Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year or Pastoral Support Assistant – Mental health, bullying, safeguarding, online safety, absence request forms, request for your daughter to receive school counselling/educational well-being practitioner, financial support/free school meals.

Ms Young – Attendance and punctuality/lateness. All absences and lates must be reported via email or phone no later than 9.30am on the day in question. If students are late more than 5 times to school, you will be notified and they will receive a one-hour detention which is held on Friday afternoons after school.

Subject Teachers must be contacted for any subject specific enquiries.

Our IT Helpdesk is available to help with any parent portals, laptops, and other IT queries.


Volunteering your time and skills

Got a skill you want to share? Work in an interesting or evolving career field? Simply want to let students know how great working in your career field really is? Or do you know someone who does?

We encourage all parents / carers and friends of the school to to get in touch and volunteer to deliver or take part in careers events.

Find out more in our Careers Hub.


UHS Alumnae

“Once an Ursuline, always an Ursuline, today, tomorrow and always”

Our Ursuline Alumnae are fantastic at offering student support through career talks, mentoring and work experience and our students love it! 

Find out more about how you can join and get involved in our UHS Alumnae community.


For further information please contact us:

Director of Extended Learning, Mrs Polly Harrison

0203 908 3177


Careers Lead, Ms Lorraine Petheram

0203 908 3171

