GCSE Results 2024

Congratulations to all our Year 11 students on their achievements. 

The Ursuline Community is very proud of you. Your hard work, commitment and resilience has paid off. Well done.

GCSE Results 2024

44% of all grades were 7+, over twice the national average, with progress data similarly outstanding.

In December, the National GCSE results were published, and we are delighted to report that the Ursuline Progress Results place the school in the top 4% of schools nationally. We have the best results in Merton and Merton Local Authority are the 3rd best in the country! Not only that but students of all attainment levels are making incredible progress, which recognises the high level of challenge and inclusion. These results are thoroughly outstanding and testament to all the hard work of the students, staff, parents and governors and we are proud to celebrate this achievement together. You can access the Performance Tables here.


Grade 9-7

Grade 9-4

GCSE Art and Design 48% 88%
GCSE Biology 66% 100%
GCSE Business Studies 32% 75%
GCSE Chemistry 50% 100%
GCSE Computer Science 25% 75%
GCSE Drama 33% 90%
GCSE English Language 45% 92%
GCSE English Literature 50% 93%
GCSE Food and Nutrition 36% 95%
GCSE French 80% 96%
GCSE Geography 46% 83%
GCSE German 33% 93%
GCSE History 63% 91%
GCSE Italian 100% 100%
GCSE Mathematics 30% 84%
GCSE Music 22% 100%
GCSE Physical Education 50% 92%
GCSE Polish 100% 100%
GCSE Physics 50% 100%
GCSE Portuguese 100% 100%
GCSE Religious Studies 50% 87%
GCSE Double Science 10% 75%
GCSE Sociology 23% 86%
GCSE Spanish 57% 90%

View our school performance tables* here.

*Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

GCSE Results 2024