You are here: National Professional Qualifications
The Avila Partnership formed in 2014 is a commitment to sustaining outstanding Catholic Girls’ education through shared practice between St Philomena’s Catholic High School for Girls and Ursuline High School. Together we share good practice, benchmark data and provide collaborations between departments and facilities. Both Schools recognise and value collaborative learning. Avila is also an NPQ provider, National professional qualifications (NPQs) are a national, voluntary suite of qualifications, designed to support the professional development of teachers and leaders.
Accredited by the Department for Education (DfE), National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are a nationally recognised suite of qualifications for teachers and school leaders at all levels; from those who want to develop expertise in high quality teaching practice, to those leading multiple schools across a trust or other group of schools.
Teachers and leaders employed in state funded schools and state funded organisations including those that offer 16-19 places in England will be able to access a fully funded NPQ, to support teachers and pupils following the disruption to learning faced as a result of COVID-19.
Want to apply? Find out more about the application process.
The National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are a nationally recognised suite of qualifications for teachers and school leaders at all levels - from those who want to develop expertise in high quality teaching practice to those leading multiple schools across a trust. In undertaking an NPQ you will:
In addition, the revised suite of NPQs has been refreshed to reduce the workload burden on teachers and school leaders, while still enabling you to develop and apply your knowledge, skills and understanding both to your current school, and to other contexts.
Want to apply? Find out more about the application process.
Completing your NPQ with Avila and the Church of England (in partnership with the Catholic Education Service) will give you the added benefits of:
Our mission is to develop school leaders to be Called to a lifegiving vocation, Connected to a thriving learning community, and Committed to evidence-informed excellence in education.
Application Process – Avila (
Mrs Collette Farley
Nicola Adams