Catholic Life and Mission


“Do something, get moving. Be confident, risk new things, stick with it and then be ready for big surprises!” St Angela  


Inspired by the life and work of Saint Angela Merici, our Ursuline school commits itself to education for tomorrow’s world within the dynamic tradition of Catholic belief and practice.

As a Christian community, characterised by a spirit of respect, trust and joy, we promote excellence in every aspect of life, thereby fully developing each individual.



Our School Leaver Profile


This is our Ursuline Education Community in the UK. For further information on the Ursuline Education Commuity please visit their website.

Ursuline High School Virtues Programme

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“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Jesus’ words in John’s gospel express the aim of human life as ‘human flourishing’ (Eudaimonia). Our whole business in this life is to flourish by seeking to form our character through the pursuit of personal strengths called virtues: excellences of character which are theological, moral, civic, intellectual and performative. (‘Virtues for Catholic Schools’ – Vicariate for Education, Diocese of Leeds)

Our core virtue as an Ursuline community is ‘Serviam’ which was our founder, St Angela Merici’s, motto. Serviam means ‘developing our gifts and talents for the good of others’ and this is the core mission of the school. Serviam is at the heart of our daily routines and practices. At Ursuline High School we encourage all of our students to use their unique gifts and talents for the Common Good through acts of Serviam. By doing this students experience first-hand the positive effects of giving themselves selflessly in service to others and see the impact of helping someone in need.

In addition to our core value of ‘Serviam’, in each year group we promote the development of 3 further Ursuline virtue that are linked to the developmental stage, needs and school experience of that age group, progressively becoming more challenging. Each virtue is linked to a specific scripture passage that explains or exemplified that virtue as well as a supporting quote from the writing of St Angela Merici. These quotations are used in the explanation to students of each virtue.

The virtues are explored and explained cross-curricularly through; assemblies, RE lessons, Religious Literacy lessons (Y7-8) PSHEC and form time activities. Students are offered a wide range of opportunities within school to develop and exemplify the virtues such as charity/fundraising events, school leadership activities, prayer and liturgies, retreats, representing the school in the community and chaplaincy events.

All year groups - Serviam You put other people’s needs before your own. You want to make a difference to their lives. You look for ways to help rather than waiting to be asked. You always follow the ‘golden rule’ to treat others with the respect and kindness that you want for yourself.
The parable of the Good Samaritan

“Learn from Our Lord who, while He was in this world, was a servant” St Angela Merici – 1st Counsel/6 
  • Daily acts of kindness and courtesy
  • Fundraising and charity events
  • Enrichment programme
  • Student Leadership programme
  • School Council
  • Consultative Groups
  • Subject focus groups
  • Sports events & Sports Day
  • Inter-house activities
  • School productions & concerts
  • End of Year Serviam Assemblies


Cultural Day Crop

Year Group Virtues

Each year students focus on 3 further Ursuline virtues (1 per term):

Year 7 - Insieme
Autumn Term

You are a member of many communities, including our school community. You want to play your part within your family, our school, your neighbourhood and our global community. You are committed to finding ways to help your community, seeing each person in your community as your neighbour.  
“You are all one in Christ” Galatians 3:28
  • Transitions Day
  • Induction Day team building activities
  • Mass of the Holy Spirit welcome
  • Ethos DayInsieme Day
  • PGL Residential
  • Parents’ back to school event
  • Christmas gifts appeal
  • Commissioning Service
  • Christmas Fayre
  • Retreat – ‘This little light/Serviam’ focus on how we share our light with others in our community
  • End of Year Serviam Assemblies

Year 7 – Loving
Spring Term

You think about other people, how they feel, and with tenderness you perform an act of care that brings happiness, relief or comfort. You decide to do something good to help someone else, because you know it is the right thing to do.
“Love one another as I have loved you.” John 13:34
  •  PSHEC lessons on friendship
  • Retreat – ‘This little light/Serviam’ focus on how we share our light with others in our community
  • Lenten fundraising activities
Year 7 – Joyful
Summer Term
You are not afraid to show others that the simple things in life make you happy; like spending time with family and friends. You can recognise the difference between the temporary happiness that we get from focusing on ourselves and the joy we feel when we focus on others.  
“Clap your hands, shout to God with cries of joy!” Psalms 47:1
  • Form time gratitude reflections
  • Sports Day
  • End of Year Serviam Assemblies
  • Y7 Celebration
  • UHS Fest Week

Year 8 – Listening
Autumn Term

Listening is the beginning of an encounter. When we listen to others we learn about them, their experiences and the world. If we truly listen what we have heard changes us as a person. When we listen we acknowledge that we don’t know everything and we need other people to grow and develop.

“Listen to advice and accept instruction that you may gain wisdom in the future” Proverbs 19:20

  • Form time activities
  • Harvest foodbank collection
  • Christmas gifts appeal
  • Christmas Fayre

Year 8 – Compassionate
Spring Term

You notice that a person is sad, in distress or in trouble, you care about how they are feeling and you want to help them, whether that person is close to you or a stranger.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

  • Philanthropy Project
  • Lent fundraising activities
  • Retreat – Come Follow me
  • LGBTQI Month
  • Black History Month, India Week, Filipino Week

Year 8 – Faith-filled
Summer Term

Faith helps us grow in friendship with Jesus and his friendship helps us become the best we can be by becoming more like him. Growing in friendship with Jesus means learning to trust him and knowing that he is always with us. Faith is always open to new things because if you have faith you are a trusting person.

“Jesus said, "Do not be afraid, only believe." Mark 5:36

  • End of Year Serviam Assemblies
  • Y8 Celebration
  • End of year Mass

Year 9 – Integrity
Autumn Term

You can be relied upon by others. You will keep your word and if you have committed to something you will do your best to see it through and complete it: you are reliable and determined.
“Do to others as you would have them do to you” Luke 6:31
  • Harvest Foodbank Collection
  • Advent Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Services of Reconciliation
  • Careers speakers

Year 9 – Discerning
Spring Term

You take time to think about what you have done to learn about what went well and what you could have done differently or better. You think carefully about your actions to see how you can become a better person.
“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” John 7:24
  • Lent Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Services of Reconciliation
  • Careers speakers
  • Multicultural Evening
  • Encounter conference with other Ursuline schools
  • Options choices

Year 9 – United in Harmony
Summer Term

You accept someone as they are, you care for them, and care what happens to them and you want to share your life with them. You always think about another person rather than thinking about yourself. When you love you put into practice the “golden rule”, to treat others with the respect and kindness that you want for yourself. 


“Live in harmony, united together, all of one heart and one will” St Angela Merici – Last Counsel/1

  • Black History Month, India Week, Filipino Week
  • UHS Fest Week
  • End of Year Serviam Assemblies
  • Year 9 Celebration
  • End of Year Mass

Year 10 – Attentive
Autumn Term


You take time to notice the big and small things of each day. You notice things and can focus on the things you notice so that you learn to be less distracted by everything that is going on or by the things you can use to distract yourself. You take notice of other people. You to reflect on what God is saying to you.


“Without doubt you will see marvellous things” St Angela Merici – Prologue to the Counsels/18

  • Form time gratitude activities
  • Dallas students exchange
  • YSVP Care Home Visits

Year 10 – Leading for Justice
Spring Term

You give people what is due to them: you give them their fair share.. Treating people justly means treating people with dignity and not treating them as less than they are or using them for selfish ends. It is just to speak out against anyone who treats you unfairly and it is just to act to support those who are treated unfairly.

Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

  • Taiwanese students exchange
  • Holocaust Survivor talk
  • Visit to synagogue
  • YSVP Care Home Visits
  • Retreat – a meaningful life – focusing on what is important
  • LGBTQI Month
  • Black History Month, India Week, Filipino Week

Year 10 – Acting with Truth
Summer Term

You are truthful with yourself and with others. You are reliable because you keep the promises you make. You have integrity, your words match your actions and you do not try to be like someone you are not: you are your true self.

“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices.” Colossians 3:9

  • Taiwanese students exchange
  • Visit to synagogue
  • YSVP Care Home VisitsRetreat – a meaningful life – focusing on what is important in life including hospitality
  • End of Year Serviam Assemblies
  • Year 10 Celebration
  • End of Year Mass

Year 11 – Discernment
Autumn Term

You carefully consider what to do. You think about all the possible ways to meet a challenge or solve a problem and make a decision. You discern by taking time, making effort, noticing and reflecting on when and where God is calling you. You seek the best way forward in all things. 

“Do everything with discernment and maturity of judgement” St Angela Merici - 3rd Council/15

  • Careers workshops
  • Work experience
  • Retreat – Who am I and what is God calling me to be?Celebration & Mass

Year 11 – Hopeful
Spring Term

You know that when life gets hard you don’t give up but carry on hoping that things will get better. You dream of a better world or something better that will come in the future. You live for something greater than yourself. Your hope drives out selfishness and boredom and encourages you to engage with your community and do good works. You trust that God is at work moving the world towards what is good.

“Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

  •  Careers workshops
  • Work experience
  • GCSE preparation sessions

Year 11 – Courageous
Summer Term

You do something that needs to be done even when it is hard to do or you are scared to do it. Even though you are afraid, you overcome your fear and do the right thing. You know you can count on God’s help and so you are never alone.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

  • Year 11 Celebration & Mass
  • GCSE examinations

Year 12 – Generous
Autumn Term

You give what you have by sharing it with others or helping someone who is in need. You give and do not expect a gift in return or any attention, praise or reward for giving and you do it cheerfully. You are not afraid of losing what you give. You are generous because you know there is enough for everyone.

The story of the widow at the Treasury

  • Enrichment programme
  • Big sister project
  • Student led societies
  • Head girl team hustings
  • Senior citizen’s Christmas tea party

Year 12 – Attentive
Spring Term

You take time to notice the big and small things of each day. You notice things and can focus on the things you notice so that you learn to be less distracted by everything that is going on or by the things you can use to distract yourself. You take notice of other people. You can appreciate the big and small parts of God’s creation from the universe or sunset to a creature or flower. You to reflect on what God is saying to you.

“Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Matthew 7:24

  • Enrichment programme
  • Big sister project
  • Student led societies

Year 12 – Resilient
Summer Term

You accept that there will be difficulties in life. You see these as a challenge and are not discouraged. You overcome challenges and do the right thing. You can be relied upon because you are committed to seeing things through to the end. You know you can count on God’s help so you are never alone.

“God will give you the necessary strength, provided you do what you can” St Angela Merci- Prologue to the Councils/16

  •  Avila Retreat on Justice
  • Retreat – Digging deep – focusing on spiritual, emotional and physical resilience
  • End of Year assessments preparation

Year 13 – Acting with Integrity
Autumn Term

You are loyal to your beliefs and not swayed by other people. You do what is right because it is right. You are reliable and trustworthy.

“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.” Proverbs 22:1

  • Post -18 choices
  • UCAS personal statement worship with Careers Team


Year 13 – Grateful
Spring Term

 You show that you are grateful for all you have. You are grateful for all of the people who support you and all the things that happen around you each day. You grow in wonder about the world and see the world and your place within it as a gift from God. You accept the gifts and talents that you have and you use them to benefit others. Being grateful helps you to be generous to others. 

“Always be thankful” St Angela Merici – Prologue to the Rule/5

  •  Retreat  - my Ursuline journey – focusing on what I am grateful for and reflection on the School Leavers Profile / Leavers’ Survey
  • Year 13 Celebration Mass 

"Ursuline is a fantastic example of how Catholic education can be delivered in modern times. We are very proud being part of such a focused and forward looking school."  Parent


Key Links

Our local parish: Sacred Heart Wimbledon : Sacred Heart Wimbledon

Our Deanery: Merton Deanery - Home (

Our Archdiocese: Home: Archdiocese of Southwark (

Our Universal Church: The Holy See (