In-year Admissions

In-year applications for Years 7 to 11

Applications for places in Years 7 – 11 for students who are already at a Secondary School or who are re-locating to the UK from overseas.

All In-Year applications must be verified by Merton Local Authority. Information regarding In-Year admissions is located on the Merton website.

In-Year (Mid-Term) application procedure for Years 7 to 11 as follows:

Step 1. Please read our Admissions Policy.

Step 2. Complete a Merton application form available from the Merton council website. Please download a form from the following link: In Year application form.pdf ( The final section of the form asks for background information from your daughter’s current school. Please ask the Headteacher to complete and sign Section 8 of the form. Please note: We will be unable to place a child on our waiting list until we receive notification of the applications from Merton Council. Submit the form to:

Step 3. In addition to completing the Merton Local Authority In-Year Secondary Application form, please complete an Ursuline High School Supplementary Information Form via Applica, so that the application can be ranked according to our Admissions Policy. (Please note: the Religious form for Category 2 applicants can be downloaded on Applica) If no supplementary information is completed, applicants will only be ranked against the final 'Other applicants' category.

a. Register on Ursuline High School Wimbledon (

b. You will receive a Welcome email from Applicaa. (Contact the Admissions Officer on the details below if you have not received your welcome email within 24 hours, if you would like a paper copy of the In-Year application form or if you have any questions.

c. Click on the validation link. Once you click on the link, you can start the application. (Please note the Religious form for Category 2 applicants can be downloaded in step 2 of the application.

d. Submit the Supplementary Information form and upload any documents required.

Step 4. The London Borough of Merton verifies the In-Year Application submitted in point 2 above.

Step 5. The school is notified by Merton Admissions that a valid In-Year application has been received.

Step 6. The Governors will apply the school Admissions Policy to rank the Candidate’s In-Year application correctly in the relevant year group. Distances are calculated by Merton Local Authority. 

Step 7. The school contacts the parent/guardian and advises them of the outcome within 10 school days.

Step 8. If a place is available, it will be given at the earliest opportunity. If a place cannot be offered because the school’s accommodation and resources are fully committed, parents will be offered the opportunity of placing their child’s name on the waiting list. 

Step 9. Waiting list positions may move up or down accordingly when new applications are added or removed from the Waiting List. Placing a child's name on the waiting list does not guarantee that a place will become available. Parents / carers whose applications for places are unsuccessful may appeal to an Independent Appeal panel set up in accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. You should carefully consider the reasons given for not offering a place and look at our Admissions Policy. Appeals must be made in writing and must set out the reasons on which an appeal is made. You should note an appeal can only be upheld in the following limited circumstances:

· the appeals panel finds that the admission arrangements did not comply with admissions law or had not been correctly and impartially applied, and the child would have been offered a place if the arrangements had complied or had been correctly and impartially applied; or

· it finds that the admission of additional children would not prejudice the provision of efficient education or efficient use of resources.

· it considers that the appellant’s case outweighs the prejudice to the school.

Step 10. In-Year waiting lists are maintained until the end of each academic year. All those on the waiting lists are contacted and asked to inform the Admissions Officer in writing or by email whether they wish to remain on the list. If no notification is received by the school, the Candidate will be removed from the In-Year waiting list.

Applications from Overseas

The school often receives applications from families who are relocating to the UK from overseas. If this applies to you, please be aware that Merton Admissions will require proof that the student will be moving to the United Kingdom, as specified in the ‘Guidance relating to the Admission of Children from Overseas’. The Local Authority will accept an application a maximum of four weeks in advance of an applicant arriving in the United Kingdom, provided that evidence of the forthcoming move is received by the Authority. Please note that until the Candidate has moved to the UK, the address used on the application form must be the overseas address of the candidate, even if a parent/carer has moved to Merton in advance of the rest of the family. You cannot use a future address. The home address should be updated once the move to the UK is completed. Children whose parents are in Armed Forces or who are Crown Servants are an exception to this and should provide evidence when making the application. Please contact the Local Authority if you have any queries regarding overseas applications and check their website for up-to-date information regarding overseas applications

Admissions Policy

When completing your application form(s), please refer to Ursuline High School Admissions Policy here.

You can apply by registering on Ursuline High School Wimbledon (


For any further inquires please contact

Admissions Officer

Mrs Maria Dancisinova 

020 3908 3199

Admissions Policy 2024
Evidence of Catholic Practice COVID UPDATE