Head of Year 7 Welcome

Dear parents/carers,

It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as Head of Year 7 at Ursuline High School, Wimbledon, and to extend a warm welcome to you and your daughter.

I understand that moving from primary to secondary is a big change, please don’t worry. I will be looking after your child throughout their time in Year 7, and together with a team of dedicated form tutors and Pastoral Support Assistants (PSAs), I will oversee their smooth transition from primary to secondary school, ensuring year 7 students feel safe, meet expectations and are happy.

As Mr Kelly, our Acting Headteacher says, we are very proud of our strong sense of identity, community, and commitment to equality. Student wellbeing and learning are at the heart of everything we do. Supported by their families, an Ursuline student is committed to their catholic faith and our core value of Serviam. We all look forward to supporting year 7 students to be people of action who can make a difference in the school and beyond, who are kind, forgiving, generous of spirit and persevering.

I look forward to working with parents and carers to support your children in their transition in September and I cannot wait to get Year 7 started on the next steps of their educational journey.

In the meantime, I hope you find our Transitions Hub valuable: our Transitions Booklet includes dates and times of parent/carer and student meetings, and other key information. In addition, our comprehensive Transition FAQs, Resources & Top Tips are valuable resources as your child prepares to start on this exciting new journey with us.

Rachel Hoyles
Head of Year 7

Rachel Hoyles Head of Year 7 Head of Food