Sr Anne Benyon (1936 - 2022)

Sr Anne Benyon

Sister Anne Benyon (1936 - 2022)

Sister Anne Benyon was Headteacher at Ursuline High School, Wimbledon from 1975 - 1983.

Sister Anne originally joined our staff as an English specialist and additionally held the post of Deputy Headteacher during her time with us. Sister Anne was also a long serving governor and a great advocate for our school .

Sister Anne died peacefully on Tuesday 16th August. She will be greatly missed.

May she rest in peace.


In the 1983 edition of the annual school magazine 'The Laurel'. Students dedicated a whole section to Sr Anne upon her leaving the school. Below are a few comments from the students about Sr Anne and her contribution to Ursuline High School, Wimbledon, throughout her time here.

"With enthusiasm Sr Anne installed computers; new courses have been instigated to broaden the girls' education; academic standards have been maintained; personal qualities developed - yet these are not the only achievements for which we will remember Sr Anne. It is the dedication of a fine mind to the smallest detail of school life, her generosity with her time, her willingness to listen and act on the ideas of others and her care for us all, professionally and personally, which will reman in our minds." 

"She gives up every single lunchtime to supervise students."

"A sense of humour, what other nun would have the inspiration to attend a fancy dress teachers and sixth form rowdies match wearing a halo, as she did in 1982."

"Always a willing listener and shows concern."

"An ability to cope with difficulties and rise to the occasion."

"Thoughtfulness: for her final lesson with her Lower 6th English group she struggled across to the sixth form block laden with twenty chocolate bars to distribute."