Careers Programme

The Careers Programme in the Sixth Form starts in Year 11 with an introductory talk on post-18 options. This reflects the school's approach to long term career development and the importance of early preparation. In Year 12 students are given opportunities for personal development and self-knowledge through practical and interactive activities.

The range of careers available is explored with both individuals and groups. Students have the opportunity to reflect carefully on how they can best present themselves and how they can increase their chance of success in their career. Higher Education is emphasised, as over 90% of students have successful applications, but alternative options such as further education, apprenticeship and the school leavers' programme is also explored. In the summer term of Year 12 the formal process of UCAS application begins and students are supported so that they undertake this from an informed, confident perspective.

The aim is to work collaboratively with staff, students and parents to prepare the leavers with tangible support for their journey into their career.

Year 12



Students are encouraged to start to make informed and realis,c choices about further educa,on and employment through reflec,ng on their aKributes and career aspira,ons considering qualifica,on pathways. Special events and external guest speakers are arranged during the school year as well as work experience and individual careers interviews. 

Year 12 - Careers Programme Transitional Document


Year 13


Theme –Start your Journey- Post 18 Destinations

Year 13 - Careers Programme Transitional Document



For more information please visit our Careers Hub here.



Careers Evaluation

All careers events and activities have student evaluations completed and impact measured and reviewed regularly.

Careers CEIAG Policy

For further information on the school’s careers policy, please click on the link below

CEIAG Careers Policy
CEIAG Policy JAN 2020


Review Date of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG).

December 2021

For any further inquires please contact

Assistant Headteacher T Levels and Careers

Mr Ben Barton

0203 908 3143






UHS Provider Access Policy 2020
Thought for the Week
God alone knows what you need, and can and wants to provide for you.
Rule, Chapter 10/17