Sixth Form Virtual Open Event

Following the success of our main school Open Evening earlier this month, we are excited to invite you to our 'student lead' Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 1st October 2020This event will precede our joint Sixth Form Open Evening with Wimbledon College on Thursday 8th October.

The event will feature a Live Q&A session with our Sixth Form panel from 6.00-6.30pm, where current students will be answering any questions you have submitted via our sign up form!

The event will also provide;

  • An opportunity to download our sixth form prospectus and application form for 2021 entry
  • An opportunity to browse our course guides for 2021
  • A range of department videos, students will share with you what they like about the courses they study at the Ursuline Sixth Form 

SIGN UP HERE before 4.30pm on Thursday 1st October for access to join this event! For the best user experience, this event is best accessed via laptop and tablet.