The Next Level In Education!

Young people are often leaving college and university with a severe lack of work experience relating to their intended career aspirations, this often leaves them disheartened and ill-equipped to be successful in gaining that crucial ‘foot in the door’ in the modern day workplace.

In September 2020, Ursuline Sixth Form was one of 50 UK colleges and sixth forms to try and address this very problem, by introducing a T Levels qualification option- with our first T Level offer in Digital, Production, Design and Development. T Levels are a new Government backed 2 year qualification, with a 45 day (minimum) industry placement. T Levels are worth the same number of UCAS points as A Levels, they are endorsed by business and designed to give you a brand new choice after GCSE’s.

“Digital skills in particular are no longer the separate entity some people may believe them to be, skills learnt on the course such as coding, data protection laws will continue to be beneficial in whatever career path young people may choose moving forwards.”

Ms Hanson, Head of Digital T Level


The student feedback from our first Digital cohort has been great;

“T-level is a great opportunity for me as it will help me with my future career.. I am interested in software engineering degree. So far, the aspect of the course I have enjoyed the most is coding using Python. This is because I have more understanding of how to work out the problems after I tried to solve them multiples of times”.

Amama, Student


“..the work placement part gives you practice in the work field to see what it’s like and have the experience with it.. this will be beneficial.. as it shows you the type of skills you need such as team work, communication, confidence, creativity etc. you would need in the workplace.”

Jada, Student


Work Placements For T Level Students- Can You Help?
Our first cohort of Digital T Level students are due to start their first placement in July 2021 and they could really use YOUR help! Do you work in a industry that; Has a community focus? Likes to collaborate on new initiatives? Is keen to develop the next generation digital talent? If this is you, or you company and could offer a placement to a T Level student please contact: by 31st January 2021




UHSGScience 44

NEW COURSE: Laboratory Science- LAUNCHING SEPT 2021
Find out more here!