St Angela Feast Day Masses

We were very proud to celebrate our founder St Angela Merici recently!

We held special St Angela Masses, in celebration of St Angela's Feast Day, which falls on 27th January.

It was a great way for our school community to come together in celebration, reflection, and prayer at Sacred Heart Church.

There are many ways in which St Angela had a lasting effect on The Ursulines, and the church. Like St Paul she made herself all things to all people for the sake of the Gospel to bring all people to Christ. In her writings there is a great emphasis on prayer and all through her life St Angela was known as a woman of prayer.

She also made a clear stand against the luxury of the world around her. She emphasized true poverty of spirit and trust in God alone. St Angela was also an educator in the widest sense of the word and in particular in the Christian context of leading people to find Christ in the circumstances of their lives. A wonderful legacy.

St. Angela Merici, help me to see that I have received from God special graces to place myself at the service of others.

Assist me in recognizing the needs in my community, that I may bring your charity, faith, hope, and joy into the world.

Help me to hold fast to the teachings of Christ through His Church, always expressing them in everything I do.

May I live by example as you did, devoting myself to Him and others.

Be with me in suffering and infirmity, in grief and abandonment, in times of worry.

Help me persevere in joyful hope of obtaining heaven.

St. Angela Merici, pray for us!


Thought for the Week
Have hope and firm faith in God, who will help you in everything.
Prologue to the Counsels/15